
Why choose Crousti’Canin?
Quite simply for the quality of the products, 100% natural, a French company, in Meurthe & Moselle (54), but also in the field of positive canine education, for animal well-being for more than 5 years.
A site specializing in olfactory enrichment for pet dogs.
The more palatable, fragrant and stinky the treats are, the more the dog will be fulfilled with a natural emotional reinforcer towards his human attachment, that is to say YOU
“Some kids drool over such treats, it’s simply ptyalism”
If your dog is coprophagic (eats dog droppings), he will hardly go on those of other dogs, on the other hand, those of cats will remain appetizers, the aperitif for dogs ^_^
Welcome to Crousti'Canin, the treat for your dogs
Joël & Ottawa my good paw, lick the canipotes

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